It gives me great pleasure to introduce the new PSLT blog. My name is Matthew Daniels and I am the current Captain of School here at QM. I study Mathematics, Physics and Biology with an aspiration to read Physiotherapy at university, and outside of my academics I am a keen rugby player and have roles within the schools CCF and the Walsall Youth Agency.
There is no denying that this academic year has been one where everyone has had to learn to adapt to the ever-changing circumstances, and the role of the PSLT is no different. One of the things I was most excited for when I was appointed as CoS was being able to engage with students throughout the school, and the current situation has so far prevented me and the rest of the PSLT from doing so as much as we would like. This brings me to the purpose of this blog. During lockdown (and hopefully beyond!) we would like to use this blog as a means of reaching out to the school community and sharing with you the types of things we would have been sharing in assemblies if we were able to hold them. We are lucky to have members of the PSLT assigned to each year group, as well as members connected closely to the house system, so I hope we will be able to share content that is relevant to the entire cohort. We would love to hear of any stories that you may want us to include, so if you have one please get in contact with one of us or your Head of Year!
We look forward to sharing this blog with you and hope it can offer a form of insight and entertainment during such a strange time for everyone. In the meantime, stay safe and healthy. My best piece of advice at the moment would be to do your daily exercise, as even a quick 15-minute workout will break up the day and make you feel mentally and physically better. Check out @QMGSSPORT if you’re looking for some inspiration!
Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.
John F. Kennedy