Admission Appeals Procedure

Admission appeals timeline – Year 7

Admission appeal process for Year 7 entry in September 2025 for places allocated on the national notification date of 3rd March 2025.

Parents have the right to appeal against the decision to refuse their child a place at the School. No appeal can be lodged before the 3rd March 2025.

Appeal forms can be obtained either via the link below or from the Clerk to the Governors.

Mr David Milne,
Clerk to the Governors
Wallace Crooke,
20 Birmingham Road,

Appeals must be sent to the Clerk to the Governors by the closing date 3.00 p.m. Monday 31st March 2025.
Do not send appeals to your Local Authority.

At least 10 days’ notice will be given advising the date of the appeal (usually heard in May or early June on a date to be arranged).

Any additional evidence must be provided to the Clerk to the Governors no later than 5 school days before the appeal hearing so it can be sent to the appeal panel.

Where possible, decision letters will be sent out within 5 school days of the last day of appeal hearings.

QMGS Appeal Application Form
Appeals Frequently asked questions

Admission appeals – Other

For all other appeals (including late applications, in-year applications):

Any appeal should be lodged with the Clerk to the Governors (David Milne).


Appeals will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.

At least 10 days’ notice of the appeal will be given, and any supporting evidence must be provided to the Clerk to the Governors no later than 5 school days before the appeal. Where possible, decision letters will be sent out within 5 school days of the last appeal hearing date.