It is a strange feeling being in upper sixth knowing that a few weeks of school in the summer term would be the last you’d ever have. There was a slight air of sadness that 7 years at Queen Mary’s were coming to a close but it also seemed like it was the right time to end. However, finishing lessons was only the start of a month long exam period which would be filled with stress as it determined the futures of year 11s and sixth formers alike.
The leavers’ party put together by Mrs. Wood went ahead very successfully. Entertainment was provided via a well-put-together photo montage by Daniel Bachynskyj-Bilas, and everyone had the chance to collect their leavers’ hoodies whilst signing each other’s shirts.
Being Captain of School was a great opportunity that I am proud to have undertaken. The experiences gained are invaluable and have put me in good stead for the challenges of University. Additionally, I was pleased to break the trend of School Captains always being rugby captains/players, if only for one year.
Lastly I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Reece Bhatoe on his appointment as our new Captain of School, and wish him the best for the year ahead. I have no doubt he will succeed in this role and I shall enjoy listening to his speech at the Old Boys’ Dinner later this year.